
What Are The Flight Cancellation Rights Of Passengers?

What Are The Flight Cancellation Rights Of Passengers?

Travelling overseas is definitely a thrilling experience for anyone as you get a chance to know the culture and history of the countries being visited by you. For this, we have to go by air through the mode of aeroplane. Although it may seem to be quite simple and easy to travel through air however it is not always a good experience. It is because sometimes flights are cancelled on the spot due to varying reasons such as bad weather or some other emergent reasons. Whatever the reason may be the passengers face great difficulty as they have to wait long hours or even for few days to get the other flight. In this case, they can get compensation for the loss incurred by them due to cancellation of the flight. For this, you must know the flight cancellation rights as given below.

Reimbursement of the ticket cost- The passengers can get a reimbursement of the cost of their ticket within seven days in case their flight has been cancelled or delayed under the flight cancelled compensation rule of the airlines.

Provision of return flight- Even the passengers can get tickets for the return flight to the first point of departure. The passengers also possess right to re-route their final destination in this case. It means they can get tickets for the flight to reach their destination via some other route. It is mostly applicable in case of bad weather conditions or some other emergent situations such as prevailing of unfavourable conditions amid the point of departure and final destination.

Other rights- Apart from above mentioned rights, passengers also possess the right to get refreshments and meals during their stay at the airport due to cancelled flight. At the same time, the airlines also have to make arrangements for the stay of passengers in the hotels. To reach the hotel or other place of accommodation, passengers may also ask for transport facility. Even they can make free telephone calls or send telex messages, fax messages or e-mails free of cost.

Knowing these flight cancellation rights, anyone can get compensation for the cancelled flights.

One thought on “What Are The Flight Cancellation Rights Of Passengers?

  1. When you purchase a flight ticket, you are entering into a contract with the airline. This contract outlines the rights and responsibilities of both the passenger and the airline. One of the most important aspects of this contract is what happens when a flight is cancelled. In most cases, the airline is responsible for compensating passengers for their inconvenience. I’m glad you talked about The Flight Cancellation Rights Of Passengers. Thanks for the information on efficient traveling options. Keep Going.

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